
Two great student or yoth leader summer games that lead to discussions

Two great student or yoth leader summer games that lead to discussions

Summer is an awesome time to hang with students and enjoy a diferent pace of life. Recently the staff here at CIY has done the following two activities and had a blast (The cart race evidence is all over Facebook).

One question I ask youth leaders consistently is, "What does your summer look like?" You guys are BUSY!!! We already knew that our kids had crazy schedules and I GET IT! This is when we have a chance to be with kids so we go go go go . . .

In the midst of the busyness of summer, don't miss those moments that make it all worth it. Below are two great games that could help start the season off right. Try them with your kids or do a special youth coach get together. If your ministry partners are anything like we are at CIY then you will have many spin off discussions and build some great relationships along the way.

Barnga Game click here for the downloadable direction pages
This is a great game to see how people communicate, lead and handle conflict. The gist is players are seperated into seperate tables for game playing. Winners move to play together and loosers move to play together. The trick is that every table has a seperate set of rules and talking is not allowed. The first round goes easy when everyone has read and understands the same ground rules. How will people handle a new environment with new rules? This is a great game for helping high schoolers talk about moving away to college or helping youht coaches discuss the unseen youth culture that is right under there noses!

Cart Race click here to get CIY 500 Cart Race Rules
One would think that getting together to build race carts wouldn't need such detailed ground rules! People are competitive folks! Here is how we structured our CIY 500 :) Your adults and kids know thier summer schedules. They have everything planned months in advance. Use this as a mystery fun day. Tell your group how to dress in advance but not what they are doing until they get there. Invite parents and friends (or the whole church) to show up at the end of the day for a cookout and the big race!

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